
Using the latest technology in the Scala ecosystem, Boilerplay is a pure Scala reactive web application built on Play 2.6, ScalaJS, Silhouette 5, Akka 2.5, and Sangria. It provides a good starting point for whatever you want to build.

Boilerplay relies on a whole lot of tremendous open source projects. Here’s a few of them.


  • Admin - Full admin suite for user management, reporting, and real-time session observation.
  • GraphQL - GraphQL schema and query interface, with shared queries and mutations.
  • Auditing - Models can be automatically audited, admins can search history, add notes, and view changes in real time.
  • Authentication - Local sign-in, profile, and change password support.
  • Security - Role based security, with normal and admin roles.
  • Websocket - Websocket-driven actor support, with monitoring and tracing.
  • Metrics - Every database query, service call, and web request generates detailed metrics, published to Graphite or Prometheus.
  • Tracing - Detailed Zipkin traces show every aspect of web requests, including detailed microservice tracking.


The code is licensed under CC0-1.0.

You can basically do whatever you want with the code, no attribution required. Make it your own!

The source code for this page can be found here.